
Win An "Expedition" To Brazil

Ever wanted to visit Brazil? If so, the very tasty Fogo de Chão restaurant has you covered. The company is giving away a trip to your choice of four destinations within the country, which is sure to be abuzz with World Cup fever later this summer.

Dubbed Expedition Brazil, entrants in the competition can choose between the Brasilia Cultural Tour (cultural, historical and architectural tours of the capital city), Big City Exploration (activities in and around São Paulo), Rio Beach Vacation (sun and surf in Rio!) and Traditional Gaucho Experience (cowboy tradition Brazil style).

To enter, just visit the Expedition Brazil website and select the adventure you'd most like to go on. Then fill out the form, telling Fogo why you deserve to go on that particular trip. Then rally your troops over social media, getting them to "like" your submission. The number of "likes" will factor into the the final decision. Once they've selected three finalists, there will be a final vote online to determine the winner. That person will than share their adventure with video, photos and more.

Each one of these trips would be a great way to see Brazil, although I have to say that I'm surprised they didn't offer an option to visit the Amazon as well. If I had to chose from one of these four options, I'd go with the Gaucho experience. Horseback riding in Brazil's cattle country, a Gaucho rodeo, and similar activities sound the most adventurous to me. Then again, hanging out on a beach in Rio wouldn't be bad either.

The contest runs through Feb. 16, so hurry and get your submission in. The extra voting time may come in handy. Good luck!

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