
Nat Geo Offers the Best Trips for Summer 2016

Are you looking for some suggestions for where you should go on vacation this summer? Are you stumped on which destinations should be on your short list? Than you're in luck, because National Geographic Travel has released their picks for the best trips for summer of 2016.

Amongst the destinations that earn a spot on Nat Geo's list are Banff National Park in Canada, Acadia National Park in the U.S., and wine country in the Pacific Northwest. Each of those places have a lot to offer the outdoor enthusiast looking to put a bit of adventure into their summer season, but if the beach is more your speed than consider Moorea in French Polynesia instead. Want a long-distance adventure? Than why not hop aboard the Trans-Siberian Railway?

These are just a few of the options that earn a spot on the list, with some other great choices that I'll leave for you to discover yourself. The important thing to take away from this article however is that it is not too late to start planning a summer getaway. In fact, some of the best adventures come together over after a brief period of planning, with anticipation for hitting the road driving the idea.

Check out National Geographic's full list by clicking here.

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