
Reminder: Win a Copy of Everest from The Adventure Blog

Just a quick reminder to readers that I'm giving away a copy of the film Everest on The Adventure Blog. The movie is being released on Blu-Ray and DVD next week – January 19 – and to celebrate my friends at Universal Home Entertainment are going to give one lucky winner a combo back that includes the film on both disc formats, as well as in digital HD as well.

If you'd like a shot at winning the prize all you have to do is send an email to kungfujedi@gmail.com with "Everest" as your subject line. I'll be accepting submissions through next Monday, at which time I'll randomly select a winner and Universal will ship them a copy of the film.

I'm working on a review of the DVD now, but I wrote my thoughts on the film itself when it was released back in September. You can read that review by clicking here. In short, I found it to be well done, very engaging, and packing an emotional punch, even for those of us who already knew the story. There are some nits to pick of course, but for the most part the cast and crew got it right, and delivered a solid mountaineering film.

If you'd like to own a copy of it for yourself, enter the contest for a chance to win the one I'm giving away. Otherwise, look for Everest to hit store shelves next week.

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