
Video: On the Appalachian Trail with Jennifer Pharr Davis

Jennifer Pharr Davis is a n Appalachian Trail thru-hiker. In fact, when she walked that iconic route end-to-end back in 2011, she set a speed record for the time, covering the full 2200 miles in 46 days, 11 hours, and 20 minutes. To put that in perspective, that means that she averaged 76 km (46 miles) per day, which is an impressive feat to say the least.

In this video, we travel to AT with Jennifer to experience just a small portion of the trail as she shares her thoughts about this amazing hiking route. Over the course of her hiking career, she has walked the entire thing three times, and visits it often from her home in North Carolina. She calls it the great American trail, and as you'll see, it is hard to argue with that.

On The Appalachian Trail (With Jennifer Pharr Davis) from Kerrin Sheldon on Vimeo.

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