
Backpacker Gives Us America's 10 Most Dangerous Hikes

When most of us decide to go for a hike we generally tend to hit local trails that are scenic, fun, and even relaxing. But not all trails fit that description, with many being down right difficult and demanding. Then of course, there are the ones that are actually quite dangerous.

That's the subject of a great article put together by Backpacker magazine, which takes a look at the 10 most dangerous hikes in the U.S. The list contains some iconic treks across the country, as well as some lesser known trails that have a reputation for being incredibly difficult. In fact, if you go unprepared on these hikes, you could get seriously hurt or even killed.

Some of the hikes that make the list include Bright Angle Trail in the Grand Canyon, which is known for being a challenging walk in hot conditions the often leaves those who aren't prepared dehydrated and exhausted. The Maze in Utah on the other hand will confound even the most navigationally savvy, while the infamous Mt. Washington in New Hampshire blasts hikers with its high winds, which tend to blow furiously all year round.

I won't give away the entire list, as the article is well worth a read by everyone. I will say however, that each of the entires definitely has an element of danger to it, which could cost the inexperienced and unwary their lives. Thankfully, Backpacker has some suggestions on how to avoid these challenges, and survive each of these beautiful but difficult hikes.

Check out the entire list here.

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